Our main focus is to react quickly and efficiently to the needs and questions of our people, partners and patients, knowing that time is always of the essence and they are depending on us for the access to the medicine for the further treatment or research.
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Our mission is to enhance the accessibility of pharmaceutical products across the world.
Contact Us

We provide access of medicine to customers from different regions of a country (USA, Europe, SEA, Japan and Australia, ETC) we help in procuring the drugs for the patients, Pharma companies and CRO’s.
Contact Us
We Care for your Well Being
Intensive care
Our mission is to enhance the accessibility of pharmaceutical products across the world.
Specialised Support Service
We provide access of medicine to customers from different regions of a country (USA, Europe, SEA, Japan and Australia, ETC) we help in procuring the drugs for the patients, Pharma companies and CRO’s.
Our main focus is to react quickly and efficiently to the needs and questions of our people, partners and patients, knowing that time is always of the essence and they are depending on us for the access to the medicine for the further treatment or research
HAYAT ALHIKMAH is UEA Fastest Growing pharmaceutical supply company more than 5 years.
Clinical supply
Managed access
On demand
Cold chain supplies
Global reach
Compititive price
Medical enquiries
HAYAT ALHIKMAH is UEA Fastest Growing pharmaceutical supply company more than 5 years.
Clinical supply
We offer we offer a 100% guarantee on our medical and dental supplies to keep your practice running efficiently.
Managed access
The term Managed Access Program encompasses a variety of regulatory mechanisms globally.
Cold Chain Supplies
Most vaccines require an unbroken cold chain. While the vaccines for tetanus or hepatitis a and hepatitis b must be cooled
On demand
On-Demand healthcare services have warranted the emergence of numerous enterprises dealing in medicine deliveries.
To become partners or work or associate as partners: partnered with a friend in a new venture.
Global Reach
Global Reach Health is a leading international health services business with headquarters in UAE.
Meet Our Specialist
Hayat has touched the lives of patients & providing care for the sickest In our community. Arkon offering a critical service to pharmaceutical and biotech companies by simplifying their partnering strategy,
Get In Touch With Us
24 Hour
We are here
We are here to meet your medicines & medical product needs as soon as possible!
Medicine Supply
With access to 24 hour emergency assistance, It’s so important you can continue to help others.
HAYAT ALHIKMAH is UEA Fastest Growing pharmaceutical supply company more than 5 years.
Gallery of Medizco Center
Our primary mission is to plays an important role as a medication supplier in pharmaceutical industry.
Ware House
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Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right